Radiologic Technologists Continuing Education

Continuing education (CE) for medical radiologic technologists is a requirement for maintenance of their ARRT certification and registration. It is a mechanism to assure the medical community and public that the radiologic technologist is qualified by knowledge and skills to practice in the profession of Radiologic Technology. Participation in continuing education in radiology demonstrates a Radiologic Technologists accountability to fulfill their responsibility to their professional peers in the healthcare community and the patient population they serve. It also reinforces the Code of Ethics jointly endorsed by The American Registry of Radiologic Technologist and the American Society of Radiologic Technologists.

Radiologic Technologists are responsible for obtaining their radiology CE credits and can choose from a variety of X-Ray CE and X-Ray courses to meet their requirement. The ARRT requires technologists to acquire 24 Radiology CE credits every two years. One continuing education credit is equated to a minimum of 50 minutes of educational activity. Radiologic Technologists have the flexibility to choose the type of continuing education in Radiology that is most beneficial to their area of expertise. The continuing education can be acquired from online radiology continuing education courses, radiology CE webinars, radiology continuing education presented in the form of a simulcast and from written articles that have been reviewed and designated for radiology technologist CE education.

Some states have specific requirements for Radiologic Technologist medical continuing education. The State of Texas requires RT's to acquire 24 hours of CE in Radiology with 12 of those CE hours directly related to ionizing radiation. Another requirement for Texas Radiologic Technologist is 3 of the 24 Radiology CE credits must be obtained via live instruction. The other Radiology CEU's can be acquired from online radiology continuing education courses, radiology CE webinars, radiology continuing education presented in the form of simulcasts and from written articles that have been reviewed and designated for radiology technologist education.

The State of California Continuing Education for Radiologic Technologists is similar to Radiology CE requirements in Texas. Radiology courses and the X-Ray CEU's must be in subjects related to the application of X-ray to the human body" and may include X-ray administration, X-ray management, X-ray pathology, X-ray diagnosis and X-ray quality control. However, subjects in MRI, Ultrasound, CPR, or other topics not related to the application of X-rays to the human body cannot be accepted. The rules below are effective July 1, 2016 for Radiologic Technologists complying with CE requirements in California:

  • 24 hours of Radiologic Technologist continuing education in a two-year period
  • 4 of X-Ray CE's which shall be in digital radiography
  • Limited License 24 hours Radiology CEU's in two-year period, 4 of X-Ray CE's which shall be in digital radiography
  • Mammography License 24 hours in two-year period: 10 of which must be in mammography continuing education
  • Certified Supervisors and Operators – 10 hours of CE credits in Radiology in two-year period
  • Fluoroscopy -- 4 hours of radiology credits in radiation safety in two-year period
  • AHEC is approved under national certification requirements for conducting CE activities by multiple state agencies including Texas, California, Florida, Iowa, ASRT, ARRT, and AHRA.

    To register for a course or request more information, contact AHEC at (800) 239-1361, or fill out our contact form to receive a call from our administrators.